Sunday, May 5, 2013

Starting over...

Yeah, yeah. We've been hearing this one since like....last November when I got sick.

But for reals this time (I hope). There's too much going on here to even begin to summarize, but I'll try. Lost my job. Working freelance now. The upcoming week promises to be one of the more hellacious weeks I've known in some time. At an agency, that usually spells lots of pizza and late nights. Nope, I can't. I just can't.

What I learned from my own behavior last year (when I lost 24 pounds), is that I really need to plan out everything. Every meal, the whole week's meals. Whatever I can do to make sure the following week doesn't go flying off the rails. For me that meant hitting up the store today (even though I was working from home and didn't even have time to watch my two favorite shows!!!) and getting everything I need to succeed. I prepared pretty much the same meals I took pictures of last year. So tomorrow's menu (and pretty much every weekday's menu this coming week, since I didn't have time for a ton of variety!) is: Breakfast casserole (335 calories), soup (130 calories) and chili (275) for lunch, a snack of cucumbers and hummus (200), and spaghetti squash with sauce, sausage, and cheese (vegan, at at that. I figured I'd give it a shot -- 300 calories).

Total: 1240 calories.

Everything's packed and coming with me to work. I don't want to find I got stuck and have to eat their stupid, delicious pizza!

I also worked out a workout schedule. I'll share that later. And a woman from a local dance studio called me back about a Zumba/Bokwa class that's starting up on Weds. And it's late enough (8:15, that I should still be able to make it over there).

Also, Kelly and I saw Jiliian Michaels on Friday, and she was super inspirational. Lots to discuss there, but she's a big proponent of non-GMO/organic stuff. So my cart today was like 90% organic. We'll see how that goes.

Typically, this kind of grand gesture, "Starting Monday..." mentality for me means having a last hurrah kind of night. But I kept it classy. I had eggs and toast for breakfast (trying to get the last bread out of the house before this started!), then I got sushi and a salad at Whole Foods. Which is a super delicious treat, and maybe I'll make that my grocery day ritual! I also got that Arctic Zero ice cream (150 calories a pint, yo!), so we'll see how that is. But if that's my idea of a last hurrah, we're doing okay.


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