Today was full of excuses. It was one of the coldest days it's been so far (33 degrees/22 with the wind chill factor). You had female "stuff" going on and felt kind of meh. There was some bad news, and lots of family is arriving unexpectedly this weekend. You had every reason in the world to stay home, watch some TV and just relax.
And yet, you didn't. You got dressed in many layers. You put on your sneakers. You ran an errand (stupid post office!) You got a cup of coffee. And you went to the park. And you walked. At first you were like, "Dude, it's cold out here. Just walk a couple miles and cash it in. You can do some more at the gym." But after a while you opened the handwarmers you bought at CVS and just kept walking. Your face was cold and after a while you couldn't feel your butt anymore, but you kept walking. Soon you got to over 7 miles. And you kept walking. Finally at 10 miles, you stopped. After all, you promised yourself you'd go to the gym and work your arms.
At the gym you worked out hard, lifting more weight than you have so far. You pushed yourself harder than you thought you could.
And then you came home. You needed to go shopping for something to make for dinner. You strapped on your backpack and you walked some more. First, a mile back to CVS to get more of those handwarmers. That's an awesome way to get rid of the "it's too cold!" excuse. Then a half a mile back to Acme for food. And a half mile back home, carrying 20 pounds of groceries. All told, including miscellaneous walking around the house and stores, you walked 26,976 steps today. Or nearly 13 and a half miles. Plus the gym.
Then you came home and cooked 8 servings of breakfast and 8 servings of lunch/dinner and scrubbed the bathtub.
Basically, self, you rocked it the eff out. And you didn't let excuses get in the way. Remember this next time it's too cold/hot/rainy, or you're too tired/sore/depressed/stressed out.
PS, since you did such an excellent job of everything else, we'll try to forgive the fact that the Christmas tree is still up and you're still wearing yesterday's clothes.
Baby steps.
27,976 of them.
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