Friday, January 6, 2012

Methods -- Fitness

All right. So now that we've established WHAT I intend to do, let's talk a little bit about HOW I intend to do it. 
I joined a gym a few months ago. I've pretty much had memberships to some gym or another for the past 9 years or so. My attendance at said establishments tends to be all over the place. At times, I'm hardcore and I go and work out like crazy. When I get derailed, I can stay away for months at a time. And sometimes I go, but I'm just phoning it in. I'll walk on the treadmill for half an hour and go home. 

In November, I started trying to walk 10,000 steps a day. There's nothing strenuous about walking that much, it's just a matter of fitting it in. It basically amounts to adding about an hour of walking into what I'd ordinarily walk in the normal course of life.

I stuck with it mostly--averaging 8800 steps per day, or 13,000 five days a week. I ate pretty well for the most part, but slipped up between December 25 and Jan 1, and didn't lose a pound. (Didn't gain one, either!)

 So for January, I'd like to average the full 10,000 steps, plus strength training four times a week. What that means, specifically, is that, in addition to the walking, I use 5 machines to work my arms/chest twice a week, and 5 machines to work my legs/back/abs twice a week. 

Since I'd like to average 10k steps a day,  I'm actually aiming for 12, and coming closer to 11. I want to make sure that if I get sick or have to stay late at work, that I'm still on track. 

I'd like to start running again, but right now, at 192 lbs, I feel like it's not worth putting that kind of strain on my knees. It's something I would like to revisit in a month or so. And I think another challenge to revisit in February will be to add a class to my workout repertoire. 

My usual M.O. is to start something whole-heartedly,  see a small amount of success (3-4 lbs) and then back off (because clearly I'm doing so well, I deserve a break!) and then fall off the wagon completely, gain it back and say "What's the point??" I think it will be good to constantly re-evaluate the plan (both diet and exercise) and keep doing what needs to be done to keep it interesting. Saving running and a fitness class in my arsenal for later will help with any plateaus, too. 

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