Wednesday, January 9, 2013


I originally wanted one of those Withings scales or an Aria, but since they run anywhere between $120 and $160 (it's just a SCALE, people!), I had to be a bit realistic. Since the primary feature I was interested in was body fat analysis, I just got a body fat scale for $40 bucks from Target, thanks to an awesome friend for a generous Christmas present.

I compared that scale to my old (regular old digital kind) and the weight was identical last night. Which is why I was a little disappointed when I got on this morning and the weight read 189.2. Because I had been down to 187 on the old scale yesterday morning. Whatever. Out with the old.

So, it also measures water content (I guess for determining WHAT exactly is making you weigh what you do), and estimates muscle percentage.

Without further ado:

Weight: 189.2
Fat: 38.2%
Water: 45.2%
Muscle: 29.7%

So, let's do this for a while and see what the numbers show us. Wheee!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Back again!

I just wanted to come write a quick note about this evening. I meant to pack up all my unhealthy foods (stuff from the holidays/candy/pizza rolls) and send them to live in the freezer of a good friend. I should have done that Tuesday night. But I didn't. 

Today I ate perfectly. I ate everything I planned for yesterday. But before dinner, I got a call from a loved one who needed help with some technology. Said loved one is terrible at technology. It involved calls to help desks, my own laptop crashing, my own cell phone running out of minutes, and other mishaps. Finally, we got through it, but I was sure it was going to end in hysterics, and I wasn't really sure whose they would be.

Afterwards, I reheated my dinner that had been on hold all this time. I ate it, but didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would. And after that, I started  thinking about the 2-lb jar of Good & Plenty in my pantry. I started rationalizing how I could just have a handful. But I know that's probably not likely. I told myself it wasn't like I really started the whole regimen today (um, yeah, I did), seeing as how I didn't make 10,000 steps or go to the gym. 

Finally, I just envisioned myself in 4 months getting on the scale and not making the goal of 166.5 pounds. And then I made myself a cup of tea. Granted, the night's not entirely over, but I feel pretty confident that I'm over the whole candy thing for the night. 

Now, to get the stuff out of the house. For reals. 

Getting on this wagon...AGAIN!!!

Okay, so the last plan didn't go quite like I thought it would. I gained another 2 pounds.

The negative side of that, is that I gained back 22 of the 24 pounds I lost.

The positive side is that I lost a total of 2 pounds in 2012. So, if that trend were to continue for the next 3 years, I'd be at my goal weight on my 70th birthday!

In preparation for starting the new year off right, I made some vegetable soup last night, and went onto My Fitness Pal and logged today's food. I planned my entire day of food out in advance, so there could be no surprises. The plan is to continue planning food in advance. Last year, when I lost most of the weight, I was logging the food, preparing it in advance, and making sure I always food with me for work.

So back to that. In order to earn the money on, I will need to have lost 26 pounds by April 4. So, that means 2 pounds a week, and no backsliding and really charging through any plateaus.